How might we harness the power of ‘us’ to live better with AI? 

AI is here to stay, but in our unequal society, how can we make sure AI is equitable, fair and belongs to us all? How can we harness the potential of AI and have the power to shape it for our wellbeing and towards a more caring world?  

The critical work from artists, technologists and researchers presented in this area uses AI and machine learning in ways that challenge our current relationship with these technologies. They open up new perspectives inviting us to imagine alternative futures with AI and better, collective stories about technology.

Feel free to explore the toolkits and participatory activities included here to learn more about AI and machine decision making through the lens of care. You are welcome to use this space for further reading, listening and reflection.


  • Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism (2018), by Safiya Umoja Noble

  • Data Feminism (2020) by Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren F. Klein

  • Atlas of AI (2022) by Kate Crawford

  • Atlas of Anomalous AI (2020), edited by Ben Vickers and K. Allado-McDowell

  • To be a Machine (2017) by Mark O’Connell

  • Ways of Being: Beyond Human Intelligence (2022), James Bridle